Clarke Airtrack Bolting / Drill Rig Package






Clarke Airtrack Bolting / Drill Rig Package

Clarke Airtrack Bolting / Drill Rig Package – For Sale – $110,000 +GST

– 1 x Clark 5000 HB Air Track Bolter, HFX, with pod. 1.8m drill mast with a 0.3m removable foot (2.1m in total). Upon sale the owner will transport the main rig (AT5000HB to the workshop to check it is fully operational. All rigs come with extensive paperwork.
– 2 x Clark 5000 Air Track bolters (1 x spare parts only, 1 with a spare mast and motors (in good condition)
– 1 x 20ft shipping container including drill rods, stabilisers, reamers, drill steels, hundreds of new drill bits, air pumps and air roof and rib bolters, tensioning equipment, Grouting pumps and mixers etc
– includes QDS transport pod and spare drill mast